Sunday, May 12, 2024
Hindi Songs

Nashe Si Chadh Gayi Piano Notes Befikre

Instructions: Sign + = Higher Octave, - = Lower Octave, # = Sharp Notes, b = Flat Notes. See Piano Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.

Nashe Si Chadh Gayi Piano Notes Befikre Available On Piano Mint. Easy Keyboard Piano Notes For Nashe Si Chadh Gayi, Casio Notes, Guitar Chords, Lyrics.

Song : Nashe Si Chadh Gayi
Movie : Befikre (2016)
Singer : Arijit Singh, Caralisa Monteiro (French)

Western Notes

(Caralisa Monteiro Begins in French)
Ton sourire m’ensorcelle
je suis fou de toi.
Le désir coule dans mes veines
guidé par ta voix.

(Arijit Singh)
Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chadh gayi
Patang si lad gayi oye
Kudi patang si lad gayi (x2)

Scientific Pitch Notation


(Caralisa Monteiro Begins in French)
Ton sourire m’ensorcelle
je suis fou de toi.
Le désir coule dans mes veines
guidé par ta voix.
Ton sourire m’ensorcelle
je suis fou de toi.

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chadh gayi
Patang si lad gayi oye
Kudi patang si lad gayi (x2)

Aise khenche dil ke penche
Gale hi pad gayi oye

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chad gayi
Patang si lad gayi oye
Kudi patang si lad gayi

O udti patang jaise
Mast malang jaise
Masti si chadh gayi humko turant aise
Lagti current jaise
Nikla warrant jaise
Abhi abhi utra ho net se torrent jaise

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chad gayi
Patang si lad gayi oye
Kudi patang si lad gayi

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chadh gayi

Nashe si chadh gayi
Patang si lad gayi

Khilti basant jaise
Dhulta kalank jaise
Dil ki daraar mein ho pyar ka cement jaise
Akhiyon hi akhiyon mein jang ki front jaise
Mil jaaye sadiyon se atka refund jaise

Zubaan pe chadh gayi oye
Kudi zubaan pe chadh gayi
Lahu mein badh gayi oye
Kudi lahu mein badh gayi

Kamli kahaaniyo si
Jangli jawaniyon si
Jamti pighalti hai pal-pal paaniyon si
Behti rawaaniyon si
Hansti shaitaaniyon si
Chadh gayi hum pe badi meherbaniyon si

Aise khenche dil ke penche
Gale hi pad gayi oye…

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chadh gayi
Patang si lad gayi oye
Kudi patang si lad gayi

Kanniyan o katte kadi
Dil de chaurahe langdi ae

Kanniyan o katte kadi
Banniyan o tappe kadi
Dil de chaurahe langdi ae

Hansi kadi thatte kadi
Galliyan oh nappe kadi
Hans ke kaleja maangdi ae

Ton sourire m’ensorcelle
je suis fou de toi.
Le désir coule dans mes veines
guidé par ta voix. (x2)

Nashe si chadh gayi oye..
Patang si lad gayi oye..

Nashe si chadh gayi oye
Kudi nashe si chadh gayi

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